How to Find Slope


 How to Find Slope

How to Find Slope


Table of Contents



What is Slope?

Visualizing Slope

Positive, Negative, Zero & Undefined Slopes

Finding Slope from Two Points

Plugging into the Slope Formula

Practice Finding Slope from Two Points

Finding Slope from a Graph

Identifying the Slope on a Linear Graph

Using Rise Over Run

Practice Finding Slope from a Graph

Finding Slope from an Equation

Isolating the Variables

Plugging into the Formula

Practice Finding Slope from an Equation

Common Mistakes with Slope

Checking Your Work

Real-World Uses of Slope


Frequently Asked Questions


 How to Find Slope


What's up folks! 😃 Today we're going to dive into the world of slope. I know, I know - slope sounds boring and math-y. But stick with me! Finding slope is actually pretty straightforward and understanding it will make you feel like a geometry wizard. 🧙‍♂️




So what even is slope? Simply put, slope tells us how steep a line is. When we talk about slope, we're talking about the slantiness of a line. If you think about a hill, the steepness of that hill is its slope!


Now in math class, we use slope to describe the steepness of straight lines. The steeper the line, the higher the slope. Gentler lines have a lower slope. And flat horizontal lines have a slope of 0.


Let's dig into the nitty gritty of calculating slope. We'll cover:


- Visualizing slope

- Finding slope from two points

- Finding slope from a graph

- Finding slope from an equation

- Common mistakes


Ready to become a slope master? Let's do this! 😎


What is Slope?


We touched on this briefly, but let's talk more about what slope is exactly...


Slope is the measure of how steep a line is. Specifically, it tells us how much a line rises or falls as you move across it.


It's easiest to visualize slope with a diagram:


How to Find Slope


As you can see, the slope here measures the steepness of the diagonal line as you trace your finger from left to right.


Mathematically, we calculate slope with the following ratio: 


Slope = Rise/Run


- Rise - How much the line rises as you move across it (the vertical change)

- Run - How much you moved across the line horizontally 


By comparing the rise and run, you get the overall steepness - aka the slope!


Visualizing Slope


Before calculating any slopes, it helps to understand what different slopes look like visually. This builds your intuition!


Here's an overview:


- Positive Slope - Rises from left to right  (/)

- Negative Slope - Falls from left to right (\) 

- No Slope (Zero) - Perfectly flat horizontal line (_)

- Undefined - Perfectly vertical line |


Study those for a bit. Can you imagine tracing your finger across each one? Positive slopes rise up as you move across. Negative slopes fall. Zero slope stays flat. And undefined has no run - it's vertical.


Keep these images in mind as we start calculating actual slope values...


Positive, Negative, Zero & Undefined Slopes


Now that you know how to visualize slope, let's assign some actual values.


Here are four examples with the rise, run, and slope worked out:


How to Find Slope

Let's break this down:


1. Positive Slope - Rises 3 units while running 2 units across.  Slope = Rise (3) / Run (2) = 3/2


2. Negative Slope - Drops 5 units while running 2 across. Slope = -5/2


3. Undefined Slope - Rises 7 with no run (it's vertical) - so the slope is undefined


4. Zero Slope - Runs 3 across while rise = 0   Slope = 0/3 = 0


See how the rise and run relate to the visual representation? Very handy!


Finding Slope from Two Points  


One of the easiest ways to find slope is using two points on a line.


For example, say you have the points (1, 3) and (4, 6) And you need to know the slope between them.


Here are the steps:


Step 1) Identify the rise and run between the points

- Rise is 6 - 3 = +3 

- Run is 4 - 1 = +3


Step 2) Plug the values into the slope formula:

    Slope = Rise/Run

    Slope = 3/3 

    Slope = 1


Pretty straightforward! Now you calculate the slope with any two points on a line using this approach.


Plugging into the Slope Formula


The slope formula looks like this: 


Slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)



- (x1, y1) is the first point

- (x2, y2) is the second point


Plugging in our previous example:


 (x1, y1) is (1, 3) 

 (x2, y2) is (4, 6)




Slope = (6 - 3) / (4 - 1) = 3/3 = 1


Using the slope formula works for any two points. Just remember that order matters! Be consistent by always subtracting the smaller x and y values from the larger x and y values.


Let's try one more...


Practice Finding Slope from Two Points


If given the points (2, 5) and (-3, 1), find the slope:


First let's analyze the points:

- (2, 5) is the point with larger x and y values

- (-3, 1) has smaller x and y values


Then plug into the formula:


Slope = (1 - 5) / (-3 - 2)


Working through...


Slope = (-4) / (-5) 


Slope = 4/5 or 0.8


Boom! You just found the slope between those points like a pro. 😎 Give yourself a fist bump!


Finding Slope from a Graph


Another handy way to find slope is by reading it directly from a linear graph.


Let's see how it works...


Identifying the Slope on a Linear Graph 


Check out this neat trick.


Say we have a linear graph with a nice straight diagonal line:


How to Find Slope


To quickly get the slope, draw a right triangle extending out from any two points along the line.


Now think back to ratios!  The horizontal side of this triangle is your "run" extending out along the x-axis. 


And the vertical side is your "rise" going up along the y-axis. 


So Rise over Run gives you the slope! By comparing the lengths, this line's slope is 2/1 = 2. Slick!


Finding Slope from an Equation


What if all you have is an equation - can you still get the slope? Absolutely!


It's as easy as isolating the variables and plugging into our handy formula.


For example, take the equation:


y = 3x + 2


Let's break this down step-by-step...


Isolating the Variables


First, we isolate y and x by getting one side equal to 0:


y = 3x + 2

y - 3x = 2   (Subtract 3x from both sides)


Plugging into the Formula


Now we can clearly see:

- Our rise is 3  (The y coefficient)

- Our run is 1 (The x term with no coefficient is 1)


Plugging into slope:


Slope = Rise/Run  

Slope = 3/1

Slope = 3


See - slope of 3 right from the equation!


This process works no matter what the equation values are. Now you try one!


Practice Finding Slope from an Equation


Using the same steps, find the slope of this equation: 


4y + 2x = 8


Pause here and work through this on your own!

Welcome back! Let's walk through it:


First, isolate y and x: 


 4y + 2x = 8

 4y = 8 - 2x 

 Rise (y) is 4

 Run (x) is 2


Then plug into slope formula:

Slope = Rise/Run 

Slope = 4/2 = 2


Great job finding that slope from the equation!


Common Mistakes with Slope


Now that you know the basics, be wary of these common slope slip-ups:


- Mixing up rise and run

- Forgetting the absolute value with negative rise/run

- Messing up order of points when solving for slope

- Reading slopes incorrectly from graphs


Double check your work and don't make assumptions. Take it slow until finding slopes becomes second nature!


And when in doubt, draw a triangle and visualize the rise and run. This foolproof way can confirm slopes visually.


Checking Your Work 


Speaking of checking work, here are handy ways to confirm your slopes:


- Graph the line and double check slope (rise/run)

- Find a second slope from different points on same line. Should equal the first!

- Plug slope and a point into slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) and ensure it fits equation of line


Verifying your slopes will prevent frustration on tricky math tests. Don't skip this step!


Real-World Uses of Slope


Now that you're a slope master, where in the real world might you use this?


Here are just a few examples where slope comes in handy:


- Architecture - Calculating ramp and roof slopes

- Geography - Determining steepness of hills and slopes

- Physics -Finding velocity from position graphs

- Finance - Analyzing rate of change of financial charts 


And yes...even the slope of walking upstairs uses this rise over run concept!


So don't underestimate the power of thoroughly understanding slope. You'll impress friends and colleagues as you analyze slopes all around you!




Phew - we covered a lot of ground on the slippery slope that is slope! 😅


You started out visualizing different slope types. Then stepped through finding slope from points, graphs and equations. We covered common mistakes. And saw real-world applications.


Pat yourself on the back - you now know the ins and outs of slope like a mathematical rockstar! 🤘


But don't stop here. Keep practicing those slope skills every chance you get. Look for slopes all around you in the real world. And your geometry intuition will become second nature in time.


Thanks for learning with me - now go wow some people with your newfound slope skills! 😎👏


Frequently Asked Questions 


Still have some burning questions? Here are answers to common slope inquiries:


What are the different types of slopes?


The four main types are positive, negative, zero, and undefined slope:


- Positive - Rises from left to right (/)

- Negative - Falls from left to right (\)

- Zero - Perfectly horizontal line (_) 

- Undefined - Perpendicular vertical line (|)


What does a zero slope look like graphically? 


A zero slope is any horizontal line. As you trace along the line left-to-right, the line does not rise or fall at all, so the slope is zero.


What does the steepness of a slope depend on?


The steepness of a sloped line depends on how quickly the line rises or falls (the rise or fall rate). The faster it goes up or down as you move horizontally across, the steeper the slope.


How is slope useful in real life? 


Slope is used everywhere! For example:


- Building wheelchair ramp slopes 

- Measuring the pitch of roofs

- Determining safety on steep hills/roads

- Analyzing graphs in physics, finance and more.


Can a positive slope ever equal a negative slope?  


Nope! Positive slope means the line is rising from left to right. Negative is opposite - falling from left to right. These two slopes directions can never be equal.


The values may coincide (like +2 and -2) But the directions will still differ.


What does an undefined slope mean?


An undefined slope occurs with a vertical line that only moves up/down without any horizontal change. Since run = 0, you get a divide by zero error - hence the slope being undefined.


How do I verify that I have the correct slope?


Check your slope with at least one or more of these:


- Graph points and check rise/run visually

- Calculate slope between second set of points 

- Plug slope/point into slope-intercept form 


What causes a flat slope versus steep slope? 


The relative change in rise and run determines slope steepness. Big rise change and little run gives a steeper slope. Small rise for a big run change means flatter slope.


Horizontal flat lines have no rise/only run - hence zero slope!


My two slope calculations for the same line don't match. Help!


Double check calculations for silly errors mixing up rise/run or slopes signs. Also graph points to check visually if slope matches assumed value. Slopes should calculate identically on same line.


If still off - cry for help from teacher/friend to spot potential issue!


What is one easy way to estimate slope? 


Rise over run! Pick any two points on the line, draw right triangle. Compare vertical rise to horizontal run. No calculator needed to get approximate slope.

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