📈 The Ultimate Guide to Content Promotion


📈 The Ultimate Guide to Content Promotion


Content Promotion

Article Outline



Why Content Promotion Matters

 # Increases Brand Awareness

 # Drives More Traffic

 # Boosts Engagement

 # Improves SEO

 # Generates Leads and Sales

H2: Setting Goals for Your Content Promotion

 # Increase Website Traffic

 # Build Social Media Followers

 # Get More Email Subscribers

 # Generate More Leads

 # Boost Brand Awareness

Creating Shareable Content

 # Useful, Informative Content

 # Entertaining, Engaging Content

 # Controversial, Provocative Content

 # Personalized, Relatable Content

 # Visual Content

Promoting Your Content on Social Media

 # Facebook

 # Twitter

 # LinkedIn

 # Pinterest

 # Instagram

Email Marketing for Content Promotion

 # Promotional Emails to Subscribers

 # Email Signup Forms

 # Email CTAs in Content

 # Lead Nurturing Emails

Content Syndication for Wider Reach

 # Repurposing Content

 # Guest Posting

 # Content Distribution Networks

Tracking and Measuring Results

 # Website Traffic

 # Social Media Engagement

 # Email Metrics

 # Content Links and Mentions

 # Lead Generation

Content Promotion Checklist




📈 The Ultimate Guide to Content Promotion




In today's digital world overflowing with content, creating high-quality, valuable content is only half the battle. The other critical half is promoting that content effectively to drive traffic, boost engagement, improve SEO, and meet your overall marketing goals.


With so many options and strategies for promoting content in 2023, it can feel overwhelming to know where to focus your efforts for maximum impact. Should you double down on social media? Email marketing? Paid advertising? Content amplification networks?


This comprehensive guide breaks down everything you need to know about skillfully promoting your amazing content like a pro this year.


We'll cover:


- Why content promotion is crucial for your brand

- Setting strategic goals for your efforts 

- Crafting hyper shareable content

- Promotion tactics for every key channel

- Expanding your reach through syndication

- Tracking results and metrics

- Optimization tips and best practices


Let's dive in! 🤿


Why Content Promotion Matters


In today's noisy online world, creating content alone is not enough. You need to actively promote your content to get it found and seen by your ideal audience amidst all the competition.


Some key reasons why amplifying your content through promotion is critical:


-         Increases Brand Awareness


Promoting your content far and wide exponentially expands your brand visibility and reach online. The more exposure your content receives, the more new people become aware of your brand's existence.


This brand building is invaluable, as brand awareness is a key early step in the marketing and sales funnel. According to Google, brands need 12+ exposures to a brand before a conversion.


So sharing your content frequently in strategic places introduces you to new audiences repeatedly over time. This eventually pays off by leading prospects to your website, products and services down the line.


-         Drives More Traffic


More content promotion directly equals more website traffic, it's that simple. Getting your content in front of more eyeballs through promotion brings new visitors into your site.


This influx of traffic from marketing your content across channels allows you to capture more leads and sales. Traffic growth also has a positive impact on SEO metrics like domain authority.


So if increasing monthly site traffic is a goal, consistent content promotion efforts are required to attract qualified visitors to your site.


-         Boosts Engagement


When your content gets more amplification and shares, it will rapidly increase key engagement metrics across channels.


For example, promoting your content across social media will boost followers, likes, clicks, shares, and comments.


Email marketing to highlight new content also lifted open and click through rates as subscribers engage more.


This engagement snowball effect builds your audience relationships and loyalty over the long term.


-         Improves SEO


Here's one of the biggest benefits of content promotion - it significantly enhances your SEO!


How? The more your content gets shared and linked to from external sites, the more authority it gains in Google's eyes. These valuable backlinks signal that your content provides value.


Higher authority content is rewarded with better search rankings. So content promotion should be integrated into your SEO strategy for on-page content, blog posts, and videos.


-         Generates Leads and Sales


At the end of the day, the tangible ROI from taking the time to properly promote content comes from lead generation and new business growth.


Putting your content in front of a wide, targeted audience leads to more conversions and sales revenue over time.


So don't leave this low hanging fruit on the table. Promoted content equals a more robust marketing funnel.


Setting Goals for Your Content Promotion


Now that we've covered the many reasons why you should be promoting your marketing content, let's discuss how to set goals. 


Defining specific, measurable goals for your content promotion and amplification efforts is crucial. Without goals, you won't know what success looks like or be able to optimize over time.


Be sure to align your content promotion goals directly to your overall marketing and business objectives.


Some examples of strong goals to have include:


-         Increase Website Traffic


Set a goal for overall website traffic growth from content promotion - a specific monthly or quarterly target. Defining your current traffic levels and growth trends will determine an appropriate goal number.


You can get more granular by setting traffic goals by channel, content type, landing page, etc. Track progress in Google Analytics.


-         Build Social Media Followers


Growing your social media audience is an important goal. Set follower count targets for each of your key channels like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.


Promoting your content consistently and engaging with followers will help meet these goals.


-         Get More Email Subscribers


Email marketing is a top channel for direct content promotion. Set goals around expanding your subscriber list to build your audience.


Inserting calls-to-action in your content and sending dedicated emails works. You can segment further by types of content offers.


-         Generate More Leads


Driving more conversions through your content is ultimately what matters for ROI.


Set goals for lead generation KPIs like form fills, downloads, sign-ups, inquiries, and any other actions that capture leads. Tie these directly to promoted content.


-         Boost Brand Awareness


Brand lift metrics also matter when it comes to content promotion. Increase your brand visibility by setting goals around reach, engagement rate, impressions, and sentiment.


Tools like Google Search Console and social media analytics provide this data.


Creating Shareable Content


Let's shift gears to focus on crafting the type of content almost guaranteed to attract shares, links, engagement and amplification.


Because not all content is created equal when it comes to shareability.


Certain topic types, content formats, emotions evoked, and creativity applied result in highly viral, buzzworthy content gold.


Here are 5 styles of engaging, shareable content to incorporate into your content promotion strategy:


-         Useful, Informative Content


This first category is self-explanatory. Useful content that provides real value for your audience gets shared.


For example, create blog posts, guides, ebooks, toolkits, and other resources that educate people on topics related to your niche.


How-to's, tips lists, glossaries, and tutorials are all evergreen formats guaranteed to gain traction.


-         Entertaining, Engaging Content


While informative content has tangible utility, entertaining content tugs at emotions. And emotions are highly shareable!


So inject more fun, humor, excitement, awe, and amusement into your content promotion mix.


Formats like quizzes/polls, games, contests, amusing social posts, entertaining videos, and funny memes make content more “shareable” on social.


-         Controversial, Provocative Content


Controversy equals shares. Love it or hate it, content that stirs debate and intense reactions gets engagement.


So don’t be afraid to take a firm stand with some of your content. Address hot button issues dividing your niche or industry.


Back up your strong opinions with facts. This content evokes emotions and gets people commenting.


-         Personalized, Relatable Content


While controversial content taps into opinions, personal content taps into feelings.


Give your brand a human face by sharing your origin story, behind-the-scenes, workplace culture, employee stories, and photos.


Let your followers get to know the people behind your brand by being transparent. Foster emotional connections.


-         Visual Content


Humans are visual creatures. We inherently pay more attention to visuals than text.


So images, video, infographics, photos, animated GIFs, and graphical social media posts tend to be the most standout, shareable content.


Work more visually engaging content into your mix, with relevant images teasing your content and bringing statistics to life.


Promoting Your Content on Social Media


Now let's explore best practices for leveraging key social media platforms to amplify content.


With billions of active users, social media is a prime channel for content promotion. Each platform has unique audiences and strategies.


-         Facebook


With 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a vital platform for brands. To successfully promote here:


- Share content natively as Facebook posts - text, images, videos, live streams

- Join and promote in relevant Facebook Groups related to your niche

- Create Facebook Events to engage local audiences

- Use hashtags and tag other brands/influencers to expand reach 

- Run Facebook ads strategically to reach broader audiences beyond your current followers

- Leverage analytics to see types of posts driving engagement


-         Twitter


Twitter has 229 million active monthly users. To tap into conversations here:


- Tweet your content regularly from your brand account 

- Tag and mention influencers or other brands that have related content

- Use relevant hashtags to make your content discoverable in niche conversations

- Engage with your audience by liking, commenting, and retweeting their tweets

- Embrace Twitter chats or Twitter Spaces related to your industry

- Run Twitter ads to amplify content beyond just your current followers


-         LinkedIn


With over 810 million members, LinkedIn is essential for B2B. Promote here by:


- Sharing your content in appropriate LinkedIn groups to tap into niche communities

- Getting your extended team and employees to share your content across their networks 

- Using hashtags in your posts to increase discovery

- Engaging with your audience through likes, comments, and shares on their posts

- Running LinkedIn Sponsored Content and Sponsored InMail ads to reach a wider professional audience


-         Pinterest


Pinterest is a top platform for "pinning" and sharing visual content. Leverage it by:


- Creating aesthetically pleasing, eye-catching, inspirational image content optimized for Pinterest

- Place watermarks and logos on visuals to increase brand awareness

- Follow group boards and profiles in your industry to share your pins more broadly

- Use relevant keywords, hashtags, and descriptions so your visuals appear in searches

- Run Pinterest Ads campaigns to further promote your pins and boost repins 


-         Instagram 


Instagram is perfect for lifestyle brands with its 1.4 billion users. Amplify reach by:


- Posting visually engaging, inspiring photos and graphics optimized for Instagram 

- Sharing more graphics and less text - let the visuals tell the story

- Using the maximum allowable hashtags in captions and engaging with your niche community

- Posting Instagram Reels and Stories consistently to be at the top of the feed 

- Promoting key content by running Instagram Ads and leveraging influencer partnerships

- Analyzing performance data to create more content that resonates 


Email Marketing for Content Promotion


Email is still the top digital marketing channel for engaging customer audiences. Use these email strategies to directly promote new content to current subscribers:


-         Promotional Emails to Subscribers


Send dedicated emails to your list highlighting new blog posts, videos, reports, toolkit downloads, and other content offers as they are published.


These promotional emails to your consenting audience drive traffic. Include snippets of content in the email to entice clicks.


-         Email Signup Forms


Every piece of on-site content should include a lead capture form to turn visitors into email subscribers for future communication.


Use pop-ups, banner bars, branded buttons, and clear calls-to-action inviting readers to join your list to receive future content. Offer an incentive for subscribing.


-         Email CTAs in Content


Within on-page blog posts, articles, etc. insert hyperlinked calls-to-action for email signup and other offers to capture more leads from readers.


CTAs to join your list or download more content are perfect. Track click rates.


-         Lead Nurturing Emails


Develop sequences of follow-up emails that promote downloads, offers, and relevant content to leads.


Send targeted content recommendations via nurturing emails based on their interests and engagement.


Content Syndication for Wider Reach


To expand beyond your own channels, content syndication widens your audience by getting your content showcased on other sites.


Here are some of the top tactics for content syndication:


-         Repurposing Content


Repurpose existing content by converting it into new formats to reimagine the promotion.


Turn blog posts into videos, webinars into podcasts, offer ebook versions of long-form content etc. Then promote these new asset types.


-         Guest Posting


Build relationships with influencers and other sites in your industry to contribute guest posts showcasing your content while expanding reach.


Include links back to your website when guest posting. Aim for reputable, high domain authority sites.


-         Content Distribution Networks


Leverage content amplification networks like Outbrain, Taboola, and RevContent to get your content distributed and promoted at scale to their network of sites and publishers. This expands your potential audience significantly through partnerships.


300x250 Content Recommendation Ad

Source: Revcontent


Tracking and Measuring Results


We've covered a lot of promotion tactics - but how do you actually know what's working?


By diligently tracking key metrics and performance indicators.


Analyzing your data allows you to double down on high ROI activities and prune ineffective ones.


Key metrics to monitor for your content promotion efforts:


-         Website Traffic


Analyze overall traffic to see growth trends tied to promotions. Track channels, content types, referring sites, etc. Traffic = success.


-         Social Media Engagement


Measure followers, shares, clicks, impressions, engagement rate. Calculate which networks and content types perform best.


-         Email Metrics


Monitor open rates, click through rates, subscription rates, and unsubscribe rates for emails. Learn about subscriber preferences.


-         Content Links and Mentions


Use Google Alerts to monitor online brand mentions and net new backlinks gained. This reveals content amplification.


-         Lead Generation


Track form fills, downloads, conversions, and sales from each content promotion. Understand the downstream ROI.


Content Promotion Checklist


Here is a helpful checklist to guide your content promotion efforts:


🔹 Audit your existing content and identify high-potential pieces for promotion


🔹 Set concrete goals for your promotion and metrics to track


🔹 Produce new content optimized for engagement and sharing


🔹 Share your content across all social channels consistently


🔹 Send regular emails highlighting your latest content


🔹 Repurpose and reformat content to maximize mileage


🔹 Distribute content through amplification networks


🔹 Promote through guest posting and influencer partnerships


🔹 Add CTAs and lead gen forms to all content


🔹 Monitor analytics and optimize based on performance data




As you can see, promoting your amazing content effectively requires an omnichannel approach using social media, email, syndication, influencers, and more.


It also requires dedicating time and effort on an ongoing basis to build reach and engagement. But the brand awareness, website traffic, leads, and authority gained make it well worth it.


What are some key takeaways?


Always create content aimed at entertaining or informing your audience. Set concrete goals and actively track key metrics from your efforts.


Tap into multiple channels from organic social promotion to paid amplification and partnerships. Use both your own reach and outside distribution.


Repurpose and refresh existing evergreen content in new ways. Stay nimble and double down on what works based on data.


So now it's your turn. Go amplify that content! 📢


What content promotion tactics are you excited to try first? Let me know in the comments!




What are the main benefits of content promotion?


Some of the key benefits of taking the time to properly promote your content include:


- Increased brand awareness and reach. Content promotion exponentially grows your audience across channels.


- Higher website traffic and lower bounce rates. More exposure to your content drives qualified visitors to your site.


- Improved SEO from backlinks and authority building. More shares signal value and relevance to Google.


- Stronger engagement and lower cost per lead. Current content re-engages your audience.


- More new customer/lead generation. Wider audiences and engagement from promotion increase conversions


What types of content typically get the most shares and engagement?


Certain types of content tend to be more naturally shareable and engaging. These include:


- List posts like "10 Ways to Improve Your Content Promotion"

- Memes and entertaining visual content

- Interactive content like polls, quizzes and surveys 

- Emotionally-charged provocative opinions on controversies

- Tutorials, guides, and how-to content with practical tips

- Data-driven content like reports, research, and analysis

- Personal stories and behind-the-scenes with your brand


How often should I share content across social media for promotion?


For organic social media, best practice is to share your own content 1-3 times per day per platform. You want to stay top of mind without overwhelming followers.


Balance your mix between directly sharing your content vs. engaging with your audience, industry influencers, and sharing others' content as well.


What tools can I use to easily distribute and syndicate content?


Tools like MeetEdgar, BuzzSumo, and Hootsuite make it easy to automate scheduling and cross-posting your content across platforms.


Feed services like Feedly allow followers to subscribe to your content in one place.


Amplification networks like Revcontent, Taboola and Outbrain distribute content at scale.


Should I focus on creating new content vs. repurposing existing content?


The best strategy is to do both! Create fresh content consistently, while also breathing new life into your evergreen existing content.


Old blog posts, reports, guides and videos can be updated, reformatted, expanded on and promoted to new audiences.


What are some low-cost ways to boost content promotion?


Some more affordable tactics for small brands include leveraging your own social media networks, email lists and website real estate, engaging followers for shares, working with micro-influencers, guest posting on niche websites, and social media growth hacking techniques.


How do I convince others or influencers to share my content?


Build genuine relationships over time by engaging with their content and sharing it yourself. Become a brand advocate.


Eventually, suggest potential collaborations on content promotions that are a win-win for both parties and audiences.


Provide shareable content assets and eye-catching visuals for them to easily spread. Have clear calls-to-action. Follow up. Show your appreciation. Offer reciprocal promotions.


Should I use paid advertising to amplify content?


Paid social and native advertising can help expand your reach beyond just existing followers. This is ideal for boosting high-performing evergreen content.


Test content promotion ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Set small budgets and track performance data to optimize.


What are the steps to repurposing existing content?


Start by auditing your content and identifying top evergreen posts with untapped potential.


Brainstorm fresh angles and formats like videos, podcasts, and visual content. Expand the content into a new long-form piece like an e-book or toolkit guide.


Promote the repurposed content across your channels as if it's completely new. Add relevant backlinks to the original.


How can I track content engagement and amplification?


Use Google Analytics to see website visits, time on site, referrals etc. Check insights within each social media platform.


Use BuzzSumo to analyze overall content shares and backlinks. Set Google Alerts for brand mentions.


Install tracking UTM parameters on links to track clicks. Use Bit.ly to shorten links and track clicks.


If you want to know more about SEO : Visit This Link  

If you want to know more about Internet Marketing Services : Visit This Link  

If you want to know more about Media Social Marketing : Visit This Link  

If you want to know more about The Three Pillars of Marketing: Owned, Paid, and Earned Media : Visit This Link  

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