How Much Did I Spend on League? 💸


 How Much Did I Spend on League? 💸

how much did i spend on league


 Table of Contents



 The Major Costs of League over Time

     Champion and Skin Purchases

       Acquiring Champions

       Buying Skins in the Store

       Limited and Bundled Skins

    Hextech and Masterwork Chests

       Hextech Chests and Keys

       Masterwork Chests

       Should You Buy Chests?

    Passes for Events and Game Modes

       Regular Passes

       Prestige Point Passes

       Are Passes Worth It?

    Merchandise and Other Items

      Official Merchandise

       Name Changes and Account Services

       Gifting Skins and Champions

 Tracking Your League Expenses

    Using the In-Game Purchase History

       What the Purchase History Shows

       Limitations of the Purchase History

    Third-Party Tracking Sites and Apps

       Features of Third-Party Trackers 

       Privacy Concerns

    Estimating Expenses Based on Playtime

       Calculating Cost Per Hour

       Considering Other Factors

 Determining if Your Spending Was Worthwhile

    Entertainment Value Relative to Cost

       Comparing to Other Entertainment Expenses

       Being Honest with Yourself

    Value Compared to Other Hobbies and Activities

       Opportunity Cost Considerations

       What Really Matters to You?

    Warning Signs of Problematic Spending

       Neglecting Other Responsibilities

       Persistent Regret or Guilt

 Tips for Spending Responsibly on League

    Setting a Reasonable Budget

       Budget Tips and Tricks

       Dealing with FOMO

    Avoiding Impulse Purchases

       Controlling Urges in the Moment

       Removing Payment Options 

    Focusing on Free Content 

       Free Rotation Champions

       Earning Free Skins and Champions


 Frequently Asked Questions




For passionate League of Legends players, it's easy to lose track of how much money you've spent in the game over time. With so many champions, skins, chests, passes, merch, and more to unlock, those small purchases can really add up! 💸


In this detailed guide, we'll explore all the ways costs accumulate in League and provide tips on tracking your total spending. We'll also discuss whether your purchases were worthwhile investments and offer advice for spending responsibly moving forward. Let's dive deep on how to answer the question: How much did I spend on League?


 The Major Costs of League over Time


League offers countless options to spend money as you acquire champions, customize their looks, unlock special events, and collect merch. While you can play for free, many players have shelled out a good chunk of change over their League careers without even realizing it! Here are the major ways costs add up.


 Champion and Skin Purchases


The most obvious source of spending in League is directly buying champions and skins from the in-game store. Let's break down how much collecting all these cosmetics can set you back.


 Acquiring Champions


There are currently over 160 champions in League, and new ones are added about every 2 months. Unlocking them all is a major RP sink:


- Cheapest champs cost 450 Blue Essence or 260 RP

- Most cost 6300 BE or 880 RP

- New releases are 7800 BE/975 RP for the first 2 weeks


Buying every champ at full price would cost over $620, but sales and BE discounts can reduce that significantly. Still, casual purchasing really adds up, especially for newer players trying to expand their roster.


 Buying Skins in the Store


Skins are where most dedicated players drop big bucks customizing their mains. Skin tiers and features determine costs:


- Basic skins are 520-750 RP

- Epic skins with added effects run 975-1350 RP

- Legendary skins with unique models are 1820 RP

- Ultimate skins with animations and forms cost 3250 RP


Sales take 25-60% off prices, but collecting skins for just a few favorite champs runs $100+ easily. For the legendary completionists, we're talking thousands!


 Limited and Bundled Skins


Limited edition skins tie into events or themes and are only available periodically. Bundled skins offer multiple items at a discounted combined price. These timed offers play on FOMO:


- Event skin bundles (5 skins for 5000 RP)

- Weekly skin sales (Early Sales for new releases)

- Holiday skins like Lunar Revel

- Special events like Spirit Blossom


They tempt spenders to open their wallets before the skins go away!


 Hextech and Masterwork Chests


Hextech and Masterwork chests provide another randomized way to unlock skins and champions. Here's an overview of their pros and cons:


 Hextech Chests and Keys


The standard Hextech chests contain skin shards plus occasional gems or other loot. You need keys to open them:


- Earn 1 free chest per week, up to 4 stashable chests

- Craft keys with blue essence or buy keys for 125 RP

- Contains 4 skin shards, gemstones, BE, etc.

- Reroll or disenchant shards into full skins


Buying keys to speed up openings adds up fast. It takes restraint not to overindulge for that gambling thrill!


 Masterwork Chests


Masterwork Chests (formerly seasonal chests) contain 6 skins from a certain theme:


- Change theme each patch (e.g. esports, Battlecast) 

- Guaranteed 1 rare+, rest uncommon+ skins

- Cost 125 RP to open, limited keys given free


The FOMO of the rotating themes pressures buyers to snag skins before they're gone. The multiple guaranteed unlocks per chest make it enticing.


 Should You Buy Chests?


Chests can be fun for getting random skins at discounts. But buying many keys just feeds gambling addiction. Focus on chests earned through gameplay and events rather than buying.


 Passes for Events and Game Modes


Riot releases several event passes each year that offer tokens you can exchange for skins, orbs, chromas, and other rewards. Let's break down their costs:


 Regular Passes


Passes for events like Star Guardian, Odyssey, etc. Standard passes run 1650 RP:


- Unlocks event-exclusive quests and missions

- Earn 25 tokens per win, 12 per loss 

- Tokens redeemable in event shop

- Around 250 tokens earnable free

- Bundles sell tokens directly at increasing prices


Buying passes and tokens for multiple events per year is costly, but cheaper than buying all the skins individually.


 Prestige Point Passes


These special passes grant Prestige Points (PP) along with tokens:


- Cost 1650 RP like regular passes

- Earn 100 PP + 200 tokens minimum

- Pricey buy-in just for the PP

- Redeem 100 PP for a Prestige skin


The PP passes are purely for whales gunning for every Prestige skin while they can.


 Are Passes Worth It?


Passes can offer good skin value compared to direct purchases. But you need ample playtime to grind enough tokens at the buy-in cost. Don't buy passes just for FOMO - buy if you'll actually use the unlocks.


 Merchandise and Other Items


On top of in-game goodies, Riot sells tons of merch from figures to hoodies. A few other costs sneak in too: 


 Official Merchandise


Riot's merch store is a smorgasbord for League collectors:


- Apparel like jackets, jerseys, and T-shirts

- Accessories like masks, pins, mugs, and keychains

- Figures and mini statues of popular champs

- Limited products like special collaborations


Sales are dangerous for impulse purchases. Superfans easily drop $500+ decking themselves out!


 Name Changes and Account Services


A few account services also cost RP:


- Name changes cost 1300 RP per change

- Server transfers are 2600 RP 

- Gift name changes and transfers for others at the same prices


It's easy to overlook these costs when managing your account over the years.


 Gifting Skins and Champions


Gifting skins, champs, and other content to friends is another money sink:


- Directly gift items from the store at normal prices

- Buy RP gift cards to allow others to choose themselves

- Gifts are a kind surprise, but add up if done often


Gifting is hard to track since it shows on both accounts. But can contribute significantly to your total League spending!


 Tracking Your League Expenses


To get a handle on the money you've spent on League, you first need to track and tally up your purchases. Here are the best ways to do so:


 Using the In-Game Purchase History


The purchase history page on Riot's account management website offers the easiest way to view your spending.


 What the Purchase History Shows


The purchase history lists all direct transactions made on your account, including:


- Champion and skin purchases, including gifting

- Chests, keys, bundles, passes purchased 

- Merch and other items bought via the Riot store

- Name changes, transfers, and other account services


It provides date, details, cost for every transaction. You can export the full history to track elsewhere.


 Limitations of the Purchase History


The in-game purchase history does have some minor limitations:


- Doesn't include third-party transactions (skins sold elsewhere)

- Gifting received from others doesn't show for you

- Hard to tally everything up manually

- Can't see full history if playing for years


But overall, it captures most major purchases for a solid spending estimate.


 Third-Party Tracking Sites and Apps


Some third-party sites connect to your Riot purchase history to automatically track and total up spending:


 Features of Third-Party Trackers


Third-party League spending trackers offer some useful features:


- Sync to your purchase history and monitor new transactions

- Provide lifetime total spent on League

- Categorize purchases by type, date, etc.

- Offer charts and graphs visualizing spending

- Can track other useful stats like playtime


By crunching the numbers for you, they make your spending far easier to analyze.


 Privacy Concerns 


Linking third-party sites to your accounts does raise some privacy concerns, however:


- Requires handing over credentials to summoner account

- Most services reputable, but risk of compromised credentials

- Riot may flag excessive third-party account access


Consider risks before using third-party trackers - weigh convenience versus security.


 Estimating Expenses Based on Playtime


If you've played League for years without tracking spending, you can make reasonable estimates based on your playtime and habits.


 Calculating Cost Per Hour


Consider your playing time in League compared to typical spending:


- Many players average $100-$300 spent per year

- Scale based on hours played:

  - 500 hours/year = $0.20-$0.60 spent per hour

  - 1500 hours/year = $0.06-$0.20 per hour

- Remember seasonal variation too - maybe you play less now


This type of estimate helps put your spending into perspective.


 Considering Other Factors


Also factor in these other hints about your spending habits:


- How often do you buy full-priced skins, passes, etc. on release?

- Do you buy every pass, or only ones featuring favorites?

- Any extra merch or gifted content purchases over the years?

- Higher spending as a newbie excited to play dress-up?

- Lower spending now with your main stable unlocked?


Use your judgment - you likely know roughly what ballpark you're in based on your habits over time.


 Determining if Your Spending Was Worthwhile


Once you have a clear picture of the amount you've spent on League, it's natural to wonder - was it worth it in the end? There are a few lenses to assess this through:


 Entertainment Value Relative to Cost


Games don't provide tangible goods, but you pay for entertainment value. Evaluating this return on investment helps determine if League was priced right for the fun you've had:


 Comparing to Other Entertainment Expenses


Think through these comparisons to other entertainment expenses:


- Cost per hour played vs. other games, movies, activities

- Similar total spending to cable, movies, concerts, books?

- Would less money spent have impacted enjoyment?

- Did you forgo other entertainment for League instead?


Look at opportunity cost - what else could that money have been spent on? Based on entertainment hours gained, was League reasonably priced?


 Being Honest with Yourself


Try to set aside the post-purchase justification bias. Don't inflate entertainment hours or overlook waste. Be realistic about when spending enhanced the experience vs when it may have been unnecessary or even detrimental. It's not all or nothing - some purchases likely added value, others perhaps didn't in hindsight.


 Value Compared to Other Hobbies and Activities


League competes with other potential uses of your time and money. How does your spending compare through that lens? 


 Opportunity Cost Considerations


What else could you have done with the time or money spent on League?


- Playing other games or genres

- Developing skills and hobbies in the real world

- Furthering career, creative, or self-improvement goals

- Building relationships and connections 

- Improving fitness and health


Try to see your League spending in the context of these other possible uses of resources that offer value.


 What Really Matters to You?


Ultimately it comes down to aligning spending with your personal values and goals. Did money go toward things that enriched your life? Or were there areas it may have been better applied to in hindsight?


 Warning Signs of Problematic Spending


While reasonable entertainment spending is perfectly normal, check yourself for any problematic patterns:


 Neglecting Other Responsibilities


If League spending ever impaired real-life obligations:


- Missed bill payments, overdrafts from buying RP

- Declining performance at work/school due to playtime

- Strained relationships due to gaming obsession 


This indicates addictive tendencies requiring intervention.


 Persistent Regret or Guilt


Frequent regret over spending or guilt about deprioritizing other aspects of life points to imbalance:


- Repeatedly overspending monthly budget on new skins  

- Consistently breaking promises to cut back or quit

- Feeling ashamed about money spent publicly


Pay attention to these red flags and adjust habits if spending ever impacts life in these ways.


 Tips for Spending Responsibly on League


Here are some tips and mindset shift to help moderate spending while still enjoying League:


 Setting a Reasonable Budget


Decide each month how much (if any) you can reasonably afford to spend on League based on your financial situation:


 Budget Tips and Tricks


- Pick a percentage of discretionary income as your budget

- Reduce budget if needed to direct more towards essentials 

- Allow flexibility for periodic splurges

- Consider cheaper subscription model vs large purchases


Stick to defined limits, tracking spending to stay on target.


 Dealing with FOMO


When facing fear of missing out on limited skins and events, remember:


- Events and special skins rotate back into the store over time

- You'll have more opportunities to purchase later

- It's just cosmetics - enjoy the gameplay for free!

- Will skipping this actually decrease your enjoyment?


Stay rational - don't give into hype and marketing pressure.


 Avoiding Impulse Purchases


Impulse buying leads to regret. Give yourself mandatory cooling off periods:


 Controlling Urges in the Moment


When the buying itch strikes:


- Let the initial wave of excitement pass before deciding

- Remind yourself of budget and other financial obligations

- Fill time with other activities until urge fades

- Never buy while tilted after losses!


 Removing Payment Options


To add friction against impulse purchases:


- Remove saved payment info

- Disable one-click purchasing

- Unlink third-party spending trackers

- Turn off email promotions if tempting


Fewer stored payment options and reminders makes it easier to resist temptation.


 Focusing on Free Content


Remember you can enjoy League fully for free by utilizing the following:


 Free Rotation Champions


- 14 free champs rotate weekly - ample variety 

- Permanently lower priced champs if main stays off rotation

- Blue Essence from gameplay unlocks champions quickly


No need to pay real money for champs if you're patient.


 Earning Free Skins and Champions


You can earn some great skins without spending:


- Hextech crafting and Masterwork chests

- Free skins from events, streams, promotions

- Prestige skins from event tokens 

- Season ranked rewards


Set goals around free unlocks - less temptation to overspend if satisfied with what you can earn already.




With so many appealing skins, champions, passes and other shiny things to unlock, League of Legends can easily become a black hole draining your wallet over time if you don't exercise restraint. But through responsible budgeting, tracking your spending, and utilizing free content options, you can fully enjoy everything this great game has to offer at a reasonable cost.


Focus on the exciting teamplay and competition first, pursuing purchases sparingly to enhance your experience once in a while. Don't get caught up treating League like a virtual shopping mall. After all, the most satisfying achievements come from playing well together, not from an elaborate cosmetic collection.


Before spending money, consider what truly adds fun and engagement to League for you personally. Is it acquiring every new champion to try different playstyles? Grabbing a few skins for your longtime mains? Or just competing in ranked and watching esports? Align spending with your priorities rather than giving into hype.


Above all, pursue League itself in moderation as part of a balanced life. Gaming can be a wonderful recreational outlet, but other priorities like health, relationships, self-improvement, and financial stability should take precedence. Keep League enjoyable by paying with your time and only a reasonable amount of money.


If you've been overspending to unhealthy levels, take it as a sign to step back and refocus. Use the tools provided here to track expenses, create a budget, avoid tempting purchases, and shift gameplay focus back to the free core experience. League will still be here whenever you're ready to return at a more sustainable pace.


In closing, remember that your skill, knowledge, teamwork and sportsmanship are what really matter in League of Legends, not purchased cosmetics. Strive to get value from the exciting competition first, treating any money spent as a sometimes-bonus rather than a requirement. Keep your spending reasonable by following the guidance within this guide. Most importantly, have fun on the Rift, and don't let obsession over unlocking shiny new things take away from the gameplay itself. Game on responsibly!


 Frequently Asked Questions


 FAQ 1: I've spent what feels like an insane amount on League over the years. How can I get insight into whether it was actually an addiction, or just overzealous spending?


Determining if spending on League has become truly addictive versus simply excessive requires honest self-reflection. Ask yourself questions like: Has League spending impaired your work or school performance due to playtime and money invested? Have you consistently prioritized new skins over real financial obligations like bills or debt? Do you feel unable to control urges to purchase, or experience withdrawal when attempting to cut back? Have relationships or social connections suffered because of gaming obsession? Persistent issues in these areas likely indicate true addiction requiring intervention. Alternatively, you may have just gotten overexcited and lacked spending awareness, especially when new to the game. Things like occasionally splurging on skins for your main or buying event passes a few times per year for some bonus cosmetics are not necessarily signs of addiction by themselves. Try to gauge your mindset and behaviors objectively. Were you chasing a dopaminergic high by spending? Or did you simply view it as accruing some extra entertainment value without consequence at the time? Seek help if your well-being has been impaired. But don't beat yourself up over what now seems like excessive spending if it did not cause substantial life disruption - instead focus on budgeting wisely moving forward.


 FAQ 2: I really want an expensive, limited-availability skin that's in the League of Legends store now. However, I just don't have room in my budget if I'm being financially responsible. How can I convince myself that missing out on this skin won't negatively impact my enjoyment of the game?


When faced with major purchase temptation for a cool League skin that isn't realistically affordable, the key is maintaining perspective on how it actually impacts your play experience. Recognize that as a completely cosmetic upgrade, owning this skin will not improve your skill, ranking or competitiveness even slightly - your gameplay is exactly the same either way. Remind yourself that League's core value is in the teamplay, challenge and strategy, which this skin does nothing to enhance. Consider all the gameplay elements you already enjoy for free, from the abilities themselves to the strategic competition. Would lack of a visual-only skin really detract from the fun of all that? Could the money required for this purchase be better applied elsewhere? Stay focused on playing to your best, not appearances. There will be other skin opportunities down the road. Resist FOMO and don't overspend on something you can't afford. Reflect on what really constitutes value from League for you personally, and aim to get that satisfaction without overspending.


 FAQ 3: I've spent a few thousand dollars on League of Legends over the years. My friend who's into competitive bodybuilding explained how much his diet and supplements cost, putting my spending into perspective as not that different from his expensive hobby. Is comparing my League spending to other "normal" expensive hobbies like this a healthy way to avoid feeling guilty about the money I've sunk into the game?


Comparing spending on League to other hobbies with high costs can provide useful context on whether your own purchases are reasonably in line or truly excessive. Looking at extreme examples like competitive bodybuilding makes League whales seem tame by comparison, providing reassurance. However, it's most valid to compare your spending to hobbies on a similar scale of casualness to moderate gaming. For most, League realistically displaces things like some dining out, concerts, travel, sporting events, etc. Use spending on those activities as a gauge. While some comfort may come from realizing others spend large amounts on their interests too, don't entirely dismiss feelings of waste or guilt. Some level of regret is healthy if it leads to better spending choices moving forward. Focus less on rationalizing past purchases, and more on aligning future hobby spending with your financial means and values. Apply lessons learned rather than dismissing League's cost because some have spent far more elsewhere.


 FAQ 4: I've finally admitted to myself that the amount I've spent on League of Legends skins, chests, and passes over the past few years has been excessive and irresponsible. I deeply regret not putting that money toward better uses. How can I process this feeling of remorse over essentially flushing so much cash on cosmetics, without beating myself up unproductively?


Excessive spending on League can certainly lead to buyer's remorse once the reality sets in. But rather than dwelling endlessly on the sunk cost, shift mindset towards using regret productively as motivation for change. Focus your mental energy on making better financial choices going forward, rather than berating yourself for past waste. Consider what other goals that money could have advanced, and make plans to redirect funds accordingly moving ahead. Perhaps tightening up your League budget could open opportunities for travel, fitness, advancing a skill, or just saving. Whenever regret creeps up, take a deep breath, acknowledge the feeling, then purposefully reflect on what you want to align spending with looking forward. Be kind to yourself - we all make mistakes, especially around tempting hobbies. See clearly how you want to manage entertainment funds responsibly at your current stage of life and commit fully to that plan.


 FAQ 5: I used to spend a ton of money on League of Legends when I was younger and had fewer responsibilities. Now as an adult with more financial demands, I want to stick to a reasonable budget. However, when cool new skins release, I still sometimes get the same overwhelming urge to buy like when I was a kid with poor impulse control. How can I force myself to make more responsible purchasing decisions?


As an adult with greater financialobligations, try to approach League purchases with a more mature cost-benefit mindset:


- Take advantage of perspective that comes with age - are pricey cosmetics trulyworth it given your needs?


- Consider how younger you may have been more swayed by hype and peer pressure.


- Weigh how League spending could otherwise be allocated to goals like debt repayment, savings, etc.


- Set hard monthly limits aligned to those priorities, tracking carefully.


- For big purchases, wait a few days and really critique need vs want.


- Remind yourself that you ultimately don't need any skins to succeed in-game.


- If a slip up happens, don't beat yourself up - get back on track.


With life experience and some self-discipline, you can learn to make spending decisions your older, wiser self will appreciate.


 FAQ 6: I'm a completionist by nature and feel compelled to unlock every cosmetic available in the games I play. This obsessive collecting mentality is making it impossible to moderate my League of Legends spending. How can I shift to a healthier mindset that doesn't require owning every single skin?


As a completionist, try reframing your perspective on what constitutes fully "completing" League:


- Focus on skill mastery goals like hitting new rank milestones or improving KDA.


- Aim to collect gameplay experiences trying every champ, not just their skins.


- View completing League as finishing an engaging match with teammates, which money can't unlock.


- Consider how impossible fully "completing" an actively developed game like League really is.


- Pick just a small number of favorite champs and allow yourself a few carefully-chosen skins for them only.


- Focus on what adds value to the game for you beyond appearances - enjoyment, challenge, strategy.


- Consider that true completion comes from within, not external cosmetics.


Satisfaction in League is about the competition, using skills developed over time. Don't conflate that with an endless, meaningless cosmetics grind. Reframe completion to what really matters.


 FAQ 7: I'm a streamer/content creator for League of Legends. Because it's my job, I've justification spending ridiculous amounts to get all the coolest and rarest skins as content for my channel. But deep down I still feel guilty about the money I've dumped into League. How can I reconcile my job requiring big spending with feelings of wasting money on cosmetics?


As a content creator relying on League, it's reasonable that skin collecting required larger spending to feature exciting new cosmetics for your audience. But even justified purchases may understandably feel excessive in hindsight. Try to reframe your mindset by focusing on the entertainment value you provided, and skills you hopefully developed, through all that League content creation over the years. View expensive skins as production assets rather than frivolous wastes. Consider your audience reach as providing return on investment - purchases enabled you to better produce quality videos or streams. If you gained a meaningful audience and revenue, then expensive skins served a business purpose. Don't resent the costs, but use that content to springboard toward future opportunities. Shift spending and content now to whatever makes sense for your current goals and audience. Don't dwell on past expenses, but rather focus efforts on whatever is most engaging and valuable for viewers today.


 FAQ 8: My friend seems completely hooked on buying every League of Legends skin and pass that comes out, regardless of cost. I'm worried this spending obsession is becoming really unhealthy. Is there any way I can gently encourage more responsible spending without seeming judgmental?


You can kindly suggest reevaluating priorities to a big-spending friend like this:


- Express concern over if spending has become compulsive rather than a choice


- Ask thoughtful questions about their thought process behind purchases


- Recommend tracking spending to identify possible unhealthy patterns


- Discuss whether some of that money could be better used elsewhere


- Remind them that skins don't define skill or enjoyment of the game


- Suggest taking even just a short break from purchasing to reset perspective


- Share tips for redirecting focus to free content


- Offer to play and engage in other hobbies together more


With compassion, you can encourage reflection on whether current spending aligns with their values without shaming. Be supportive in steering the conversation towards healthier gaming habits.


 FAQ 9: I used to be addicted to spending ridiculous amounts of money on League of Legends. Through counseling and better budgeting, I've gotten my spending under control, but I still have intense fear and guilt around purchases in-game. Will this anxiety around spending ever go away completely?


For recovering spend addicts, some residual reluctance and guilt around League purchases may linger. With time and positive new spending experiences, fear can dissipate, but occasional lingering hesitation is understandable. Don't let past issues totally deprive you of enhancements you can reasonably afford now. Slowly test introducing occasional, mindful purchases:


- Set and follow a strict budget for a single low-cost skin.


- If purchased without issue, try another small purchase later on.


- Avoid impulse buys and evaluate mildly anxious feelings afterwards.


- Over time, mindfully purchase within new balanced budget.


- If at any point anxiety seems too intense, take a break and reset. 


With care, spending can likely become comfortable again, but residual hesitation isn't necessarily unhealthy. Stay reflective, budget wisely, and don't ignore warning signs.


 FAQ 10: I'm trying to decide if I should request a refund for some expensive League skins that I regret purchasing. How should I determine if seeking a refund is warranted versus just taking it as an expensive lesson to change my spending habits moving forward?


Before requesting a League skin refund, consider a few key factors:


- Did you mistakenly purchase the skins, or simply come to regret an intentional buy? Refunds are meant for genuine accidents.


- How extensively have you used and benefited from the skins already? Refunds are intended for nearly immediate buyers remorse.


- Do you actually NEED that money back urgently, or just feel wasteful in retrospect? Don't misuse the system.


- Are you hoping to redirect funds towards a more practical purchase, or just buy different skins? Refunds shouldn't fund flip-flopping.


Evaluate the spirit behind refund policies - they are designed for mistaken purchases and technical issues, not general spending regret. Take responsibility rather than abusing refunds to erase buyer’s remorse. If it was a lapse in judgement, let it be a lesson to change habits moving forward.

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