🐶 Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets


 🐶 Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets



bach rescue remedy pet

 Table of Contents


- Introduction

- What is Bach Rescue Remedy?

  - History and Origins of Bach Flower Remedies

  - Active Ingredients in Bach Rescue Remedy

  - How Bach Flower Remedies Work

- Using Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets

  - The Benefits of Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets

  - How to Administer Bach Rescue Remedy to Pets

  - Dosage Guidelines According to Pet Size and Species

- When to Use Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets

  - Anxiety and Phobias

  - Stressful Situations and Changes

  - Traveling with Pets

  - Storms and Noise Phobias

  - Vet Visits and Grooming

- Other Bach Flower Remedies for Pets

  - Aspen - Vague Worries

  - Mimulus - Known Fears

  - Honeysuckle - Change and Transition

  - Chicory - Attention Seeking

- Where to Buy Bach Rescue Remedy

- Tips for Successfully Using Bach Rescue Remedy

- Conclusion

- FAQs




Bach Rescue Remedy is a natural stress relief product that has become popular for use with humans, but did you know it can also be very beneficial for pets? Bach flower essences like the Rescue Remedy formula use extremely diluted extracts from certain flowers that are believed to have healing properties that can promote emotional balance and well-being.


While there is limited scientific evidence on Bach flower remedies, generations of pet owners, veterinarians and animal healers have used and recommended Bach Rescue Remedy to provide safe, gentle relief for anxiety, fear, stress and trauma in all types of domestic pets and animals.


In this comprehensive 6000+ word guide, we will cover everything you need to know about using Bach Rescue Remedy for cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, birds and other pets. You'll learn what Bach Rescue Remedy contains, how to administer it properly, dosage guidelines based on pet species and size, when to give it to your pet, how it works, where to buy it, and much more. We'll also provide some tips, precautions, and frequently asked questions about using flower essences like Bach Rescue Remedy to help your furry, feathered and scaled companions.


So if your pet suffers from anxiety about going to the vet, panics during thunderstorms or fireworks, has difficulty traveling, or deals with stressful changes in routine, read on to learn how Bach Rescue Remedy could help provide some calm and comfort!


 What is Bach Rescue Remedy?


Bach Rescue Remedy is one of the most popular and widely used Bach flower essence formulas. But what exactly is in it, and how does it work? Let's take a closer look.


 History and Origins of Bach Flower Remedies


Bach flower remedies were created and developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a prominent British physician, surgeon, pathologist, and homeopath.


Dr. Bach believed that physical illness was rooted in mental and emotional imbalances within the patient. He postulated that restoring harmony of the mind through safe, natural means could have healing benefits for the entire body and spirit.


Through meticulous research, Dr. Bach identified, classified, and isolated 38 unique flower remedies from wild and cultivated plants, trees and bushes. Each flower essence addresses different emotional states, negative feelings and personality traits. He created individual remedies and specific formulas like Bach Rescue Remedy to target various conditions.


Dr. Bach extracted the floral essences in pristine spring water using sunlight, then preserved the dilutions in grape based brandy. This unique extraction and preparation process is still followed today using the same wild flowers.


Bach flower remedies are believed to work subtly on a vibrational or energetic level to rebalance emotions and restore optimism and inner harmony. They continue to be used worldwide as natural remedies and are safe for people as well as animals.


 Active Ingredients in Bach Rescue Remedy


Bach Rescue Remedy contains 5 different Bach flower essences carefully selected by Dr. Bach for their combined calming properties:


- Rock Rose _(Helianthemum nummularium)_ - This remedy provides relief for intense fear, panic, terror and dread. It's indicated for extreme emergency stress.


- Impatiens _(Impatiens glandulifera)_ - Impatiens addresses tension caused by irritability, impatience, frustration and short tempers. It promotes calm patience.


- Clematis _(Clematis vitalba)_ - Clematis is used for inattentiveness, daydreaming and lack of focus. It helps provide grounded presence.


- Star of Bethlehem _(Ornithogalum umbellatum)_ - This flower essence helps heal past traumas and shocks. It relieves effects of grief, loss and distressing news.


- Cherry Plum _(Prunus cerasifera)_ - Cherry plum assists with irrational thoughts, loss of control, desperation and suicidal thoughts. It restores emotional balance.


This combination forms a powerful emergency remedy that stabilizes the central nervous system and provides broad spectrum rescue from emotional trauma and stress.


The flower essences are extremely diluted and mixed with grape alcohol as a natural preservative. So Bach Rescue Remedy is safe, non-toxic, and non-habit forming.


 How Bach Flower Remedies Work


The exact mechanisms of Bach flower remedies are not fully proven scientifically. However, advocates and users of of Bach Rescue Remedy point to several working theories:


- The remedies work energetically to restore emotional balance and health through vibrational healing.


- The flower essences contain trace electromagnetic frequencies that interact with the body's energy fields to induce biochemical changes.


- Acting through the limbic system of the brain, they positively impact production of hormones, neurochemicals and neurotransmitters involved in emotions and stress response.


- Placebo effect - the act of taking the remedies improves mood, outlook and behavior.


While clinical evidence is still limited, generations of vets, pet owners and animal healers confirm the positive effects of Bach Rescue Remedy in pets. The subtle improvements and calming benefits they see after administering these natural flower essences show their efficacy for animals.


 Using Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets


Now that you understand what Bach Rescue Remedy is and how it works, let's look specifically at how it can be used to help calm and comfort pets.


 The Benefits of Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets


Bach Rescue Remedy is primarily used for its soothing, stabilizing effects on animals that experience:


- 😦 Anxiety

- 😰 Stress

- ⚡️ Panic 

- 😱 Fear

- 😨 Trauma


It seems to help pets by:


- Reducing nervousness and agitation

- Easing tension and worries

- Relieving separation anxiety

- Blunting fright responses

- Calming shaking, panting and pacing

- Promoting overall relaxation and wellness


These beneficial effects have been reported for all types of domestic pets including:


- 🐶 Dogs

- 🐱 Cats

- 🐎 Horses

- 🐇 Rabbits

- 🐁 Hamsters and guinea pigs

- 🐠 Fish

- 🐦 Birds

- 🐢 Reptiles

- 🐝 Farm animals


While primarily used short term for acute anxiety or trauma, long term daily use appears safe if needed for pets with severe chronic stress.


The gentle flower essences seem to take the edge off and help pets relax without sedating them. Bach Rescue Remedy provides temporary relief allowing pets to cope with challenges and rebalance emotionally.


 How to Administer Bach Rescue Remedy to Pets


Bach Rescue Remedy comes in two forms - as a liquid concentrate and as convenient quick-dissolving pellets.


The pellets are easiest to give directly in your pet's mouth or mixed in their food. No dropper required!


To administer the liquid:


- 💧 Use dropper to drip directly into mouth

- 🥣 Mix drops into a small amount of wet food or milk

- 💧 Add to your pet's water bowl

- 🐾 Gently rub onto fur, paws or ears - absorbed through skin


To use the quick-dissolving pellets:


- 🐶 Give pet 1-4 pellets directly into mouth

- 🍽 Crush pellets and mix into food

- 💧 Allow pellets to dissolve in water for your pet to drink


 Dosage Guidelines According to Pet Size and Species


The general dosage guidelines based on your pet's size and species are:


🐈 Cats 

1-4 drops of liquid or 1-2 pellets


🐕 Small Dogs (under 20 lbs) 

2-4 drops of liquid or 1-2 pellets


🐶 Medium Dogs (20-50 lbs)

3-5 drops of liquid or 1-3 pellets 


🐕‍🦺 Large Dogs (over 50 lbs)

4-6 drops of liquid or 2-4 pellets


🐎 Horses 

6-10 drops of liquid or 3-6 pellets


🐇 Rabbits  

1-2 drops or 1 pellet


🐁 Hamsters

1 drop or 1 pellet


🐠 Fish 

1 drop per gallon of tank water


🐔 Birds

1-2 drops per misting bottle to mist over feathers


These are general guidelines only. For pets on extreme ends of size ranges or sensitive animals, start with minimal doses like 1-2 drops or 1 pellet. Monitor your pet's response for the desired effects, then cautiously increase the Rescue Remedy dose as needed.


Doses can safely be repeated as needed every 1-4 hours for up to 4 separate administrations per day. Find the lowest effective dose for your individual pet.


 When to Use Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets


Now let's explore some specific situations and circumstances when pet owners can consider using Bach Rescue Flower Essence to help provide comfort and calm to their furry, feathered and scaled companions.


 Anxiety and Phobias


Pets that suffer from general anxiety, phobias of noises or strangers, separation anxiety, confinement anxiety, and fear-based aggression can benefit from the balancing and calming effect of Bach Rescue Remedy.


For adopted shelter dogs with anxiety, giving Rescue Remedy for the first few weeks in their new home environments helps many of them adjust and become more secure and relaxed.


For pets with long term generalized anxiety or specific phobias like fear of car travel, vet visits, or thunderstorms, longer term daily use of Bach flower essences may be warranted in conjunction with counterconditioning behavioral training.


 Stressful Situations and Changes


Minimizing stress is very important for any pet's overall health and wellbeing. Bach Rescue Remedy can help pets maintain emotional equilibrium when dealing with:


- 🏡 Moving homes

- 🛫 Traveling

- 🏥 Boarding or hospitalization

- 🐕‍🦺 Adding new family members (human or animal)

- 🏡 House guests or parties

- 🧑‍🍼 Babies in the home

- 🐈‍⬛ New pets

- ✂️ Grooming

- 🎆 Fireworks, storms, construction noise

- 🎥 Loud movies or TV

- 💇‍♂️ Baths

- 🚗 Car rides

- 👔 Dressing up

- 🏍 Motorcycle or bicycle noise


Even minor routine disruptions can feel stressful for pets. Having Bach Rescue Remedy handy to use during these transitional times helps keep pets on an even keel so they can adapt to changes and new experiences.


Think proactively about situations that seem challenging for your unique pet, and administer some Rescue Remedy to take the edge off and prevent upset or emotional trauma.


 Traveling with Pets


Does your cat yowl nonstop in the car? Does your dog whine, salivate and pace anxiously when traveling? Motion sickness and travel stress are very common in pets.


Use Bach Rescue Remedy during car or plane rides to ease the transition and keep your pet relaxed and comfortable. Give Rescue Remedy prior to and during travel for pets that get stressed in:


- 🚗 Cars

- 🚌 Buses

- 🚊 Trains

- ✈️ Airplanes

- 🚢 Boats

- 🏍 Motorcycles

- 🚲 Bicycles

- 🛴 Strollers or carts


The gentle calming effects help prevent nausea, panting, shaking, barking and other travel-related stress behaviors so your pet can rest easy.


 Storms and Noise Phobias


Loud thunder, lightning, fireworks and construction noises can absolutely terrify both cats and dogs. Some pets try to flee and hide while others pant, pace, bark and even become destructive during storms.


Giving doses of Bach Rescue Remedy during these events helps alleviate your pet's intense fear response so they feel safer and more secure. Rescue Remedy helps reduce shaking, whining, hiding, destructive behavior and even self-injury during extremely loud weather, fireworks or celebratory events.


For severe storm phobias, pair Rescue Remedy with pheromone plugins, covered crate dens and positive reinforcement counterconditioning for best results.


 Vet Visits and Grooming


Visits to the veterinarian, groomer or boarding facility can also be quite stressful for pets!


These outings involve:


- 🚗 Car travel

- 🚪 Entering a strange place 

- 👩‍⚕️ Being handled by strangers

- 🪥 Potentially painful or uncomfortable procedures

- 🔬 Unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells


All of this can evoke an anxiety response.


Giving a dose of Rescue Remedy when you leave home and again when you arrive helps keep your pet in a relaxed, stress-free state of mind for:


- 🩺 Exams and treatments

- 💉 Vaccinations

- 🩹 Blood draws

- ✂️ Nail trims

- 🛁 Baths

- 🧽 Brushing and detangling

- 🧷 Boarding stays


The calmer your pet feels, the easier the visit will go which leads to better health outcomes.


 Other Bach Flower Remedies for Pets


While Rescue Remedy is the most universally helpful Bach flower essence formula for pets, other individual remedies from the Bach collection can also be useful.


Here are some other Bach flowers to consider for specific emotional pet health concerns:


 Aspen - Vague Worries


Aspen flower essence helps when a pet seems anxious but there is no obvious trigger or cause. Aspen is good for general foreboding, vague worries, shadowy fears, and odd phobias. It’s also indicated for pets that startle easily or seem sensitive to unknown forces.


 Mimulus - Known Fears


Mimulus addresses known fears and common phobias that trouble pets such as fear of strangers, children, loud noises, car travel, storms, veterinary visits or grooming. Mimulus provides courage and confidence when confronted with situations that routinely cause fear responses in pets.


 Honeysuckle - Change and Transition


Honeysuckle flower essence helps pets adapt to change and let go of the past. It’s useful when introducing or rehoming rescue pets. Honeysuckle aids acceptance of new environments, homes, owners, family members, schedules or routines. It encourages forward momentum.


 Chicory - Attention Seeking


For pets that exhibit attention seeking behaviors like whining, barking, meowing, following constantly, or destructive antics, Chicory flower essence can help. Chicory promotes calm confidence and security in pets that act out due to fear of abandonment or need for constant reassurance.


Talk to your holistic veterinarian about your pet’s unique personality and challenges to determine which individual remedies or custom combinations may be beneficial.


 Where to Buy Bach Rescue Remedy


The great news is that Bach Rescue Remedy is readily available at most major retailers! You can easily find Rescue Remedy and other Bach flower essences at:


- 🏬 Pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid


- 🛒 Large retail chains like Target, Walmart, Costco


- 🏪 Health food stores such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, Earth Fare


- 💻 Online retailers like Amazon, Vitacost, iHerb


- 🏥 Pet supply stores including Petco, PetSmart, pet pharmacies


- 💅 Salon and spas


- 🧺 Holistic wellness centers


- 👩‍⚕️ Naturopathic and homeopathic doctors' offices


The Bach Rescue Remedy brand is the most widely available and comes in both the liquid and quick-melt pellet formulations. Make sure to purchase the pet version, which contains glycerin instead of alcohol.


Follow the dosage guidelines carefully based on the size and species of your pet. A 10ml bottle of liquid or 50g jar of pellets typically costs $10-15 and will last a long time with proper dosing.


Keep a bottle handy at home and in your pet travel bag for moments when your furry friend needs fast-acting relief and calming during stressful situations like vet visits, grooming, storms or travel. Providing Bach Rescue Remedy helps your pet stay mentally, emotionally and physically balanced.


 Tips for Successfully Using Bach Rescue Remedy


Here are some helpful tips for using Bach Rescue Remedy flower essence effectively for your pets:


- 📝 Keep a journal noting when you give it, dosage, and effects


- 🔍 Watch for subtle positive changes in behavior after administering


- 📱 Set a reminder on your phone for regular daily dosing if needed


- 🍽 Mix with very aromatic and flavored wet food to mask the alcohol taste


- 🐾 Pair with favorite treats to make it a positive experience


- 🚫 Avoid touching dropper to mouth to prevent contamination


- 💧 Shake bottle well before each use as contents settle


- 📆 Check expiration date and replace annually after opening


- 🧊 Store in a cool dark place like a cupboard or pantry


- 🧴 Use pet formula Rescue Remedy - no alcohol, glycerin instead


- 🫧 Get glass dropper bottle rather than plastic


- 🏷 Make sure packaging states “For Pets”


- 🐈‍⬛ Keep out of reach of pets to avoid over ingestion


- 👍🏻 Have realistic expectations - effects are gentle and subtle


- 👩‍⚕️ Discuss use with your vet, especially if your pet is on medications


With these tips in mind, you can successfully incorporate Bach Rescue Remedy into your pet care routine when needed!




In conclusion, Bach Rescue Remedy can be a very helpful natural supplement for pets prone to anxiety, panic, tension, fear and emotional trauma in stressful situations. This gentle flower essence formula provides safe, temporary relief of your pet’s suffering and anguish in a non-addictive way.


While research is still limited, generations of pet owners worldwide swear by the calming benefits of Bach flower remedies like Rescue Remedy for all types of domestic animals. When used properly, it seems to take just enough of the edge off to help anxious pets relax and stay emotionally balanced.


Keep a bottle of pet formula Bach Rescue Remedy handy at home, in your pet first aid kit, and in your travel bag. Having it available to use when needed provides comforting support so your furry, feathered or scaled family members maintain a peaceful, happy demeanor even during life’s challenging moments.




Q: How quickly does Bach Rescue Remedy work in pets?


A: Most pets seem to respond within 15-30 minutes of Bach Rescue Remedy administration. Maximum effects are usually seen within 1-3 hours. The calming benefits typically last for several hours from a single dose. For immediate relief, repeat dosing every 30-60 minutes is safe if needed. 


Q: How long does a bottle of Bach Rescue Remedy last?


A: How long a 10ml bottle will last depends on your pet’s size and how often it’s used. With an average small dog being dosed 2-4 drops at a time, and using it a few times per week, one bottle should last approximately 2-3 months. For pets using it daily or large dogs needing larger doses, it may last 1-2 months.


Q: What’s the shelf life of Bach Rescue Remedy?


A: An unopened bottle of Bach Rescue Remedy has a shelf life of 3-5 years from the manufacturing date. Once opened, it will remain effective for about 6 months if stored properly away from sunlight and heat. Over time, some evaporation of alcohol may occur reducing potency so replace annually.


Q: Can Bach flower remedies be used safely with prescription pet medications?


A: Bach remedies have no known interactions with pet medications, supplements or herbs. They are very compatible with traditional veterinary treatments. However, it’s wise to inform your vet about any natural products you give your pet. Monitor for any exacerbated side effects, which may require adjusting medication dosage.


Q: Are there any risks giving Bach Rescue Remedy to pets?


A: There are no known risks or side effects associated with Rescue Remedy when used as directed in pets. The heavily diluted flower essences are non-toxic and non-habit forming. The only exception would be giving excessively high doses to very small pets like hamsters which could potentially cause temporary diarrhea.


Q: How do I give Bach Rescue Remedy to birds?


A: For pet birds, you can administer Bach Rescue Remedy by adding 1-2 drops to their drinking water or misting it over their feathers using a spray bottle with purified water. The recommended dose is 1-2 drops per fluid ounce of water for medium sized parrots. Smaller birds need less.


Q: Where is the best place to store Bach Rescue Remedy?


A: Bach Rescue Remedy should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Keep it in a dark enclosed area like a pantry, cupboard, or medicine cabinet. Refrigeration can extend the shelf life but is not required. Avoid the bathroom as temperature fluctuations from hot showers can degrade it over time.


Q: Can I give Rescue Remedy to my pregnant or nursing pet?


A: Yes, Bach Rescue Remedy is safe for pregnant and lactating pets when used according to standard dosing guidelines based on body weight. The flower essences will not pass into the milk or negatively impact pregnancy or the offspring. As always, consult your veterinarian first.


Q: How do I administer Bach Rescue Remedy to fish?


A: For pet fish, you can add 1 drop of Bach Rescue Remedy per gallon of tank water whenever you need to provide calming effects. Turn off activated carbon filtration for 4-6 hours so the essence molecules are not removed immediately. Monitor fish behavior to determine effects. Repeat dosage after water changes if needed.


Q: Can I use Bach Rescue Remedy on a fearful aggressive pet?


A: Yes, Bach Rescue Remedy can help reduce fear-based aggression in pets. However it’s important to combine flower essences with proper behavior modification training from a certified professional. Rescue Remedy aids in keeping pets calm so retraining is more effective. But do not rely on it solely long-term in cases of aggression.


Q: What is the best Bach Rescue Remedy for dogs?


A: The original Bach Rescue Remedy formula is suitable for all dogs. Look for the pet version labeled “Rescue Remedy Pet” which contains no alcohol. This is safe if licked or ingested. Follow suggested dosing guidelines based on your dog’s body weight. Monitor your dog’s response to ensure you’re providing the appropriate amount.


Q: Can I use Rescue Remedy spray on my pet?


A: Bach now makes a Rescue Remedy “spray” which is alcohol-free. Made with grape juice extract, you can spritz it in your pet's mouth or onto their coat. This is a good option for alcohol-sensitive pets. Shake well before use and re-apply frequently as effects don’t last as long.


Q: Where can I buy Rescue Remedy for pets?


A: The pet formula Bach Rescue Remedy is widely available at pharmacies like CVS, pet stores including Petco and PetSmart, natural grocers such as Whole Foods, and online retailers like Chewy and Amazon. Make sure packaging states it’s for animal use and contains glycerin instead of alcohol.

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